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Collector's suits | Food

Dunes of Sugar


The Dunes of Sugar are exactly that, miles upon miles of sugar that all the people of the land come and gather to make their sweets for the festival of the Skulled Pumpking. You quickly asked one of the workers who was going on break how long the dunes have stood. "These dunes never cease to be filled with sugar, we have pulled from these dunes over the last seven centuries and we seem to just keep getting more as time goes on. The monsters here, when killed, turn into the sugar that you see here, so it essentially becomes a self sustaining environment." He quickly continues on his way, leaving you curious as you approach it.

IslandIsle of the Skulled Pumpkin
Work LinksFight the Unicorns,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsForest of Misfortune, Fields of Candy Maize, Kingdom of Sweets,
Can Build?No
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp80